
Saturday, June 28, 2014

21 DSD - Days 5 and 6

It's been a rough week, not gonna lie. My emotions are a little out of control and I'm having neck pain and headaches, not the best time to blog, but here goes nothing.

I was feeling fine, great actually all day Friday, even though it was a sugar and carb fest at work and I cried when someone asked what my plans were for the weekend, until 10pm then my head started to hurt. Not sure why, when it's hot (and numerous other weather related factors too exhausting to list here occur) my head hurts. Needless to say I'm not a fan of hot weather. Never have been. It also makes for sleeping difficult, even with whole house AC. Where ever the thermostat is must be the coldest place in the house because the bedroom gets really warm at night, then cold, then warm again in the morning. So with doing this 21 Day Sugar Detox it's been rather hard to gauge how my sleeping has been affected at this point. My head hurt last night so it was hard to fall asleep. Oh yeah, have I mentioned that my fiance's job sucks so he comes home sometimes between 1am and 5am, and when he comes to bed it wakes me up. He doesn't turn on a light or make a lot of noise, I guess I'm just expecting him and wake when I know for sure he is actually there. I'm not sure I'll ever know what a good night's sleep actually is, but it can't hurt to try this detox and hope for the best.

I've been reading Rich Dad's Cashflow Quadrant by Robert T. Kiyosaki and rich dad says "You can always quit. So why quit now?" I love this line! You've come so far, why quit now? I've got almost a week under my belt. While the only real craving I have is for ice cream, I'm doing ok craving wise. I guess it's just around the holidays or events really that it gets hard. Which seems to be all the freaking time by the way. People just make up occasions so they can eat bad without feeling so bad. It's hard, I know. It's also hard being scrutinized for actually trying NOT to be that way, to be healthy and migraine free. I also like rich dad's line because he says you can always quit, so you might as well keep going and when it feels like you should give up, maybe you can quit then, but you won't because you've come too far! It's not screaming at you to never give up, it says you can always quit, which I feel like takes some of the burden/pressure off. But at the same time it's telling you NOT to quit. It makes you ask yourself why you would quit, like really deep down why. If you have never read this book, I highly recommend it. It's a book about financial freedom and it really makes you think. I know you must be wondering why I'm mentioning this boring financial book. First, it's not boring, really. I thought that it would be too, or really confusing, and it's not. It's for regular people like you and me who know nothing about financial freedom. Second, I mention this book because Robert frequently talks about changing your mindset. You mindset has to change to achieve anything, to change anything. This applies to eating and your health as well. If you don't change how you think about food, you will never change how you eat it.

If you've never done the 21 Day Sugar Detox I highly recommend it. I've done much more strict detoxes, with TLS where I've lost over 50 pounds, and I think that helped me realize that I rely heavily on not only carbs, but sugar as well. The TLS detox helped me to eat foods plain, and really savor the way natural food tastes, without any added sugars (including lactose from dairy i.e. ranch dressing and HFCS from barbecue sauce). That might be an advantage for me in this sugar detox, but I never realized just how many things have sugar in them. Sheetz grilled chicken that you would get on a sub or salad has maltodextrin, which is a hidden corn sugar. It's still amazing to me that sugar, or some other sneaky sugars like maltodextrin is added to ALL processed food. Time to build a farm in my backyard, toodles.

What I ate today:
Breakfast: Jicama and guacamole
Lunch and dinner: Grilled Tilapia and spaghetti squash with butter and Italian seasoning 

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