
Sunday, June 22, 2014

21 DSD - Day 0

  I'm sick and tired of being tired. Sick of being a slave to food. Tired of being sleepy all the time and having no energy. I've seen several blog posts of people that have done the 21 Day Sugar Detox. They've said how much they feel better, sleep better, aren't in pain, and have no weird cravings for bad food all the time. I WANT THAT! So I bought the book online because I couldn't wait!
  Work is not so fun anymore, and I haven't seen my fiance in days, so on Friday night when he was at work and I was home alone I decided to have some awful, delicious food and drink. I had a gluten free pizza with nitrate free pepperoni, Pepsi Throwback, and some creamed spinach because I just couldn't stop eating. I woke up the next day feeling the worst sugar crash of my life. And I got a yeast infection, I know TMI but this is crucial, for the second time in a month. Last time I got one was the same situation last month: ate potatoes and cheese and drank tons of alcohol because it was free. So it was this past Saturday and I was feeling like crap, and down in the dumps to be sure. I can't believe I got another infection! I was in pain and I just cried. And I prayed, and this little voice inside my head asked "Why are you doing this to yourself" Because I miss food, food that makes me feel better and I love rum. "Why do you need these things? You shouldn't need these things to be happy." And there it was: my epiphany. I eat bad food and drink to escape, to be happy... basically for stupid reasons that I need to get under control. I tend to feel sorry for myself since I can't eat what normal people eat. I can never have Chinese food again or store bought mayo, because I can't tolerate soy. I can never order from a pizza place because I have a wheat/gluten allergy. The list goes on. But I am making myself sick by eating so bad, literally sick.
 Enter the 21 DSD! Thank goodness for Diane because she makes me feel like I'm not alone out there in the world and there are other people out there like me with a myriad food intolerances that need to get on track. I'm starting my 21 DSD on Monday and today was my prep day. Obviously I was prepping like crazy becuase it's late as heck right now. I need to rest! But I am so excited to make a change in my health and relationship with food and wanted to share it with you! I want to share my 21 DSD with you, ups and downs, gains and fails. Speaking of fails, here's my first for you. This is a recipe I made up, got the idea from Paleo Plan. It's egg muffins, basically eggs, mushrooms, spinach, and spices baked like muffins. I am not a morning person so I need a breakfast that I can just heat up. These muffins are good, but they look like crap, so everyone in the office will again ask: "Sam, what are you eating? What is that?"
I was too lazy to fix the fact that this is sideways, which really annoys me, but it adds to the ambiance of the failness
Note to self: When making egg muffins and mixing in the blender, perhaps we don't need to add the spinach with everything all at once. Perhaps just a short pulse in the end, or mix it by hand. You live and you learn... and then you take pictures of scary to share amongst the world. They taste delish and that is all that matters to me.

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